How many accommodations can I book at once?
A maximum of 4 accommodations at the same time can be booked via our website. You can put together your combination reservation at one park and for one travel period. The bungalow types can be different and can also be a combination of a bungalow and a camping pitch. When you book several bungalows at the same time, you only pay reservation costs once. Do you prefer to book several bungalows next to each other? Which can! Select the desired house numbers in preferences (you only pay preference costs once).

Do you want to book more than 4 bungalows at the same time? Please contact our Contact Center.
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I booked several accommodations at once, do I pay double booking fees now?
No, you only pay booking fees once.
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I have booked several accommodations at once, are they close to each other?
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee this. We advise you to choose a house number for each accommodation for a one-off payment (€ 44,-). This way you can be sure that the accommodation is located near each other.
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